From Brianza to Dubai, Eurostands brings its know-how to Expo 2020 Dubai
Eurostands, leader in the trade fair sector, transports its equipment to over 5 thousand kilometers far: there are 3 construction plans, 7 thematic areas and 2000 square meters of space. Eurostands is thus confirmed as a leading player in the field of universal exhibitions, reaching its seventh participation. “From Brianza to Dubai, despite a year of pandemic and the related difficulties, our commitment to the construction of the pavilions in the universal exhibitions continues over twenty years” says Maurizio Cozzani, CEO of Eurostands.
It has been a year of difficulties, missed trips and cancelled appointments, but the wait is over: even with 365 days of delay, the spotlight on Expo Dubai 2020 has finally been turned on and the doors of one of the most anticipated international events are open. The Universal Exhibition, which began on 1 October, will be staged at the “Dubai Experience Centre” until 31 March 2022. As always, more than just a fair, it is a real journey around the globe, a tour that passes through pavilions and creative installations, original and highly innovative.
192 countries are participating at the event, including Italy. In addition to the pavilion dedicated to it, the country emerges from an operational point of view thanks to the Angola pavilion created by Eurostands, Brianza-based company leader in the field of exhibition equipment and temporary architecture. For the company of Cambiago, this is not the first time at Expo: the debut was over 20 years ago and participation in the universal exhibitions numerous: from Lisbon to Shanghai, from Hanover to Aichi and Milan in 2015 for a total of 7 participations.
This time, Eurostands has taken care of the interior fitting of the Angola Pavilion: the theme chosen by Angola is “Oportunidades”, a highly evocative and auspicious leitmotiv after the difficulties crossed. What is more: the installation, thanks to the partnership with the Emirates company ABRA, is located in the Mobility District, which aims to embody the general mission of Dubai, stimulating innovation, opportunity and connectivity.
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“Taking part in an event as important as Expo Dubai 2020 with the Angola pavilion is a source of great pride and satisfaction for us – underlined Maurizio Cozzani, CEO of Eurostands – it perfectly embodies innovation and modernity, Eurostands still is a great presence in the universal exhibitions world: a path started by the founders in 1998 with the construction of the Italian pavilion in Lisbon, in Shanghai in 2021 and with the 4 national pavilion built and set up in Milan at Expo 2015.
The hope for the future is that the Expo will be the first of a new and long list of physical international events”. From the operational point of view, the professionals of Eurostands worked on 3 floors of construction, within an area of about 2000 square meters, also providing all the furnishings for offices, kitchen, restaurant and decorations.
The pavilion itself, for the most part made up of eco-sustainable materials such as wood, metal and ecological paints, is a real journey into the culture of Angola divided into 7 thematic areas. Each area is characterized by a particular type of realization. In addition, there is a restaurant designed for hosting the guests of the event. Among the different areas that characterize the structure, the area 04 is the most technological and innovative: the wall consists of 500 tiles with internal lighting. A playful, brilliant and highly symbolic setting, since this choice represents the future of Angola, a future in which new technologies must necessarily be the protagonists to illuminate the way.
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